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How to Win More Work

Three Tips for Branding Yourself on Social Media

We’ve talked about the importance of cohesive branding as it relates to your freelancing profile, as well as how to appeal to clients through various offerings, but this all happens in-platform. What about attracting clients outside of freelance marketplaces or boosting visibility about your services on said platforms? Two words, one simple answer – social media.

Having a social media presence is no longer about sharing life updates with family and friends, but about building relationships and connections with audiences around the globe. Between Instagram and TikTok, two of the most popular platforms currently, there are over a billion active users. What that should signify to you is that there is immense opportunity in promoting yourself through these social networks.

The three main components you should focus on to create a noteworthy persona are as follows:

Provide Value

When starting your social media account, don’t let your sole intention be to sell. Overly promotional posts will often be overlooked and can even turn away individuals who may have been your perfect client.

Instead, center your platform on providing value. Create a content strategy that highlights you as an expert within your field. Do you specialize in website design? Craft posts that educate followers on the elements needed for a standout site or the biggest design flaws you consistently see. You can still promote your services with this strategy but include mentions at the end of your caption. This builds trust, without expectation, and can lead to increased business inquiries.

Fun tip: Stay on top of trending sounds or videos on Instagram and TikTok. This can be a creative way to spice up your content while remaining educational in nature.

Be All In

If you decide to post on social media, be consistent. Don’t post an Instagram story and then disappear for a month or two. Make sure that you’re staying top of mind, as this will sustain relevancy, as well as help form longer-lasting, loyal connections with your audience.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to how often you should post on your platforms. What’s most important is creating a schedule that you are able to stick to. If that means you only post content three days a week, great!

Focus On Engagement

To really maximize the impact your brand could have, take the time to engage with your audience. This could be anything from responding to direct messages or commenting on a dream client’s post to show support.

For example, if you are a graphic designer with a particular interest in beauty brands, follow the companies on social media that you would love to work with. When you see them post, like and comment on their content. This could lead to them visiting your page, going through your content and recognizing a need, which could lead to them becoming your client down the road.

Lastly, don’t forget to cross-promote. Within your RitersBlock portfolio, you can link directly to your social platforms. This helps clients learn more about you and can help reinforce credibility.

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